Thursday, October 18, 2007

Mountains and Lightning

Hello Friends and Family,

I send my love and best wishes to all who read this, thanks for being so faithful in hearing the news from this Crazy Canuck in the land down under. I have great news to share, I've started working again This Thursday already and will have more work this coming Saturday and possibly have an interview with an elderly home to work there on a more scheduled basis. I'm absolutely loving life here, and enjoying my time with great new friends.

Last Monday I had the opportunity to take on a 5 hour hike at the Blue Mountains not far from Sydney (about a 2 hour drive out of town). The adventure was with 3 friends from our "ONR" neighborhood, Diego, Hannah, Sandra, and myself. I carried the backpack with our 10 bottles of water and some hiking snacks the whole way down and back. We found a place we called "Paradise" at the bottom of the valley of the Blue Mountains at the 2 hour mark of hiking. It was an incredible place to see, and makes me want to go there again to camp out. We ended up finding 3 main sources of fresh mountain water that ran past our path, and it was so cold and refreshing to drink. The water was naturally filtered by the vegetation up stream, and was crystal clear and so pure and so delicious. I question why we drink tap water after drinking that... and to answer anyones question, no I did not get sick after drinking the water. I have some pictures to share with everyone from the hike and I should have a video ready next week from the Blue Mountains. As for a video this week, I have some incredible footage of Lightning in Sydney as of last week, so I hope you enjoy it, and be blessed.

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